Featured Issue: African Health Sciences Vol.13 No. 2 & 3
Today we wll be featuring issues 2 & 3 from vol.13 of African Health Sciences. African Health Science is journal that publishes articles quarterly on topics such as public health policy, planning, and the health and science field in Africa and the tropics.
Vol.13 no.2 includes articles on Nodding syndrome, HIV/AIDS, Malaria and sexuality. James K. Tumwine, editor-in-Chief of African Health sciences discusses these issues in his editorial for this issue.
Nodding syndrome, or nodding disease, is a disease that causes physical and mental stunted growth and seizures in children and young adults. This is a recent disease that started in the 1960s and affects areas in Tanzania, South Sudan and Uganda. "Nodding syndrome: origins and natural history of a longstanding epileptic disorder in sub-Saharan Africa" by Spencer, Palmer & Jilek-Aall. This article discusses the first reported case of Nodding syndrome, (amesinzia kichwa in Swahili) in the Wapogoro tribe of Tanzania, where it was observered by Jilek-Aall. The study aims to shed some light on the early years and outcome of Nodding syndrome among the Wapogoro tribe based on data and clinical notes by Jilek-All of 150 patients between 1060 and 1971.
No.2 also includes "Nodding syndrome in Mundri county, South Sudan: environmental, nutritional and anfectious factors" by Spencer et al., which looks at more recent cases of Nodding syndrome in Mudri county, South Sudan.
You can find the complete articles and other articles from this issue here.
Issue 3 of vol.13 includes articles on non-communicable diseases, as discussed in the editorial by James K. Tumwine. One of the articles, "Overnight soaking or boiling of "matooke" to reduce potassium content for patients with chronic kidney disease: does it really work?" aims to find an effective method for removing potassium from bananas, a staple food in Uganda's health facilities for patients with chronic kidney disease.
For this study, bananas from five different markets in Kampala Uganda were tested. Bananas were soaked in water and the concentration of potassium was measured with a spectrophotometer after the bananas soaked for different amounts of time. The potassium concentrations were also tested in the water and bananas after the bananas were boiled for 60 minutes at 200 degrees Celsius at 10-minute intervals. The results showed that soaking had no affect on potassium levels, but boiling decreased the concentration of potassium in the bananas and increased the concentration of potassium in the water. The results indicated that boiling removes potassium better than the soaking method.
This article and others from this issue can be found here.
Labels: African Health Science, Featured Issue
Featured Issue: Revista Colombia Médica Vol.44 No.2 & 3
Today we will featuring the latest issues of Revista Colombia Médica on Bioline.
Vol.44 no.2 & 3 of the journal were updated on Bioline in October 2013. Here are some of the highlights:
No.2 includes, "HIV sexual risk behaviors in youth 15-24 years of age in Cali, Colombia: Do differences exist among neighbourhoods?" by Girón et al. This study aims to examine residents 15 to 24 years of age in different neighbourhoods in Cali, Colombia, to determine differences in HIV risk behvaviours. Communities 13, 15 and 20 underwent two stage-samplings where quantitive data was collected. Because of the different selection of youth, the results were weighted based on inverse probaility and probability of response. The results showed that in commune 20, there was a greater chance of unprotected sex of youth ages 16 to 17 and females, among others. The results also showed that in communes 13 and 15, women had 78% less of a chance of having had multiple sexual partners.
For the complete results of this study, as well as other articles from this issue, click here.
No.3 includes "The effects of socioeconomic status and short stature on overweight, obesity and the risk of metabolic complications in adults" by Álvarez et al. In this study, men and women in Medellin, Colombia were observed to assess the relationship between socioeconomic status, height, and nutritional problems related to obesity and metabolic complications. The study was conducted by taking a sample of 5556 adults between 18 and 69 years of age. Characteristics assessed were weight, height, and waist circumference. The participants were then asked questions on their family income, socioeconomic stratum and academic level. The results showed that the height of the participants was associated with socioeconomic conditions. The article concludes with a call to action for a preventive approach during childhood to prevent unhealthy eating habits and the cumulative effect of food deprivation throughout life.
You can find the complete article and others from this issue here:
Labels: Featured Issue, Revista Colombia Médica
Featured Issue: Zoological Research Vol.34 No.5
Today we are featuring the latest issue of Zoological Research on Bioline, vol.34 no.5, which was updated on Bioline in October 2013.
This issue features "Population trends and behavioral observations of wintering common cranes (Grus grus) in Yancheng Nature Reserve" by Zhong-Qiu Li et al. This study aimed to examine the population and behaviours of the Common crane (Grus grus) and trends in these two categories.
The results of the study, which was conducted during the winter season of 2008 to 2013, indicates that developments on the coast did not have a negative effect on the Grus grus, but it remains to be determined if this is because they live in artificial wetlands.
For the results of this study and other articles from vol.34 no.5, click here. Labels: Featured Issue, Zoological Research
Featured Journal: Electronic Journal of Biotechnology
Today we are featuring the Electronic Journal of Biotechnology for the first time on the blog. The latest issue up on Bioline is vol.15 no.1, which includes "The influence of intelligence and emotions on the acceptability of genetically modified organisms" by Šorgo et al. The study is done to evaluate the acceptance of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) based on reactions from psychology students and student teachers from Slovenian universities.
The results indicated that acceptance of GMOs varies from organism to organism. Plants were more accepted than animals, and GMOs were more accepted for uses other than food. The results also indicated that more females than males found GMOs to be acceptable. A range of emotions such as anger, fear, disgust and contempt were suggested to be correlated with the rejection of GMOs.
You can find this study and other articles from this issue here.
Labels: Electronic Journal of Biotechnology, Featured Journal
Featured Issue: Chilean Journal of Agricultural Research Vol.73 No.2
The Chilean Journal of Agricultural Research has recently been updated on Bioline. Here is the first of two posts on vol.73.
This post will discuss vol.73 no.2 and next week's post will look at vol.73 no.3
This issue includes "Influence of contrasting environments in seed composition of two quinoa genotypes: nutritional and functional properties" by Miranda et al. Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) has recently become more popular all of the world. In Chile, quinoa is one of the most important grains with high nutritional value. This study looks at quinoa grown in different types of environments to see how the compositions of quinoa seeds change. Two types of quinoa were grown under arid (little or no rain) and cold-temperate conditions in Chile. When grown in arid climates with irrigation, two genotypes of quinoa significantly increased in grain yield, soluble dietary fibre and vitamin B3 among others. When quinoa was grown in cold-temperate climates, its seed size increased. The results showed that Vicuña, Chile, with its arid climate, could be a potential area to grow quinoa and produce quinoa genotypes.
This article also includes "Effects of elevated air temperature on physiological characteristics of flag leaves and grain yield in rice" by Liu et al. This study also looks at the effects of air temperature and climate on a grain, but this time on rice (Oryza sativa L.) and a focus on elevated air temperature. Previous experiences have shown that elevated air temperature has a negative affect on rice, with a loss in rice grain yield. In this study, rice was planted and the effects of high air temperature were evaluated by examining protein content, seed settling rate and grain yield among other characteristics.
For this article and others from this issue, go here.
Labels: Chilean Journal of Agricultural Research, Featured Issue