Featured Issue: International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology (IJEST) Vol. 8 No. 4
Featured Issues: Vol. 12 No. 1, 2 & 3 of the African Journal of Biomedical Research
The African Journal of Biomedical Research has been updated on Bioline. We will be featuring more issues from this journal in the next couple of weeks. Stay tuned!
Here are some highlights from volume 12:
Vol. 12 no. 1 includes "The Hazards of Non-Ionizing Radiation of Telecommunication mast in an Urban Area of Lagos, Nigeria", a study of the socio-demographics and hazard profiles of people affected by non-ionizing radiation from a telecommunication mast in Lagos, Nigeria. The results of the study showed that 60.8% of respondents were youth. Headache was a common symptom for 51.6% of respondents. For this article and other articles from this issue, go to: http://www.bioline.org.br/abstract?id=md09006&lang=en
Vol. 12 no. 2 contains "Water Metabolism and Nutrition in Animals Exposed to Water Scarcity and Hot Environment", a study done to investigate how much animals eat in relation to their water metabolism under harsh environmental conditions. For this particular study, eight indigenous goats were used. The results showed that goats who drank more water ate less food. For the details of this study and other articles from this issue, go to: http://www.bioline.org.br/titles?id=md&year=2009&vol=12&num=02&keys=V12N2
Vol. 12 no. 3 contains an article discussing the screening of beef for antibacterial residues - "Preliminary Screening of Beef Consumed in Ibadan, Nigeria for Antibacterial Residues". 69.74% of the samples were shown to contain antibacterial residues.
For more details on this study and other articles from this issue, go to: http://www.bioline.org.br/titles?id=md&year=2009&vol=12&num=03&keys=V12N3
Labels: African Journal of Biomedical Research, Featured Issue
Featured Issue: Special Issue of Memórias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz Vol. 107
Featured Issue: Memórias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz Vol. 107 No. 8
Featured Issue: Iranian Journal of Reproductive Medicine
In March, we posted 2 issues of the Iranian Journal of Reproductive Medicine on Bioline.
The first issue, vol. 10 no. 1, contains an interesting article titled "Correlation between missed abortion and insertional translocation involving chromosomes 1 and 7" by Neveen Ashaar and Ahmed Husseiny. This article discusses the relationship between a missed abortion, also know as a silent miscarriage, and chromosomal changes specfically in chromosomes 1 and 7. Women who had missed abortions in their first trimester and 30 healthy women with no complications during pregnancy (control) were tested. Check out the full article for the results of this study, as well as other articles from the issue at: http://www.bioline.org.br/titles?id=rm&year=2012&vol=10&num=01&keys=V10N1
The second issue, vol. 10 no. 2, features more articles on women's health! This issue was published on the Bioline website a week after International Women's Day (Friday March 8th). Some of the topics include polycystic ovarian syndrome (Prevalence of metabolic syndrome in polycystic ovarian syndrome women in a hospital of Tehran), rabies antibody levels (Rabies antibody levels in pregnant women and their newborns after rabies post-exposure prophylaxis), and severe acute maternal morbidity during the postpartum period (Severe acute maternal morbidity (SAMM) in postpartum period requiring tertiary Hospital care)
For access to these articles and other articles from this issue, please visit: http://www.bioline.org.br/titles?id=rm&year=2012&vol=10&num=02&keys=V10N2
Labels: Featured Issue, Iranian Journal of Reproductive Medicine
Featured Issue: Revista Colombia Médica Vol. 43 No. 4