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Thursday, June 19, 2014

Featured Issue: Rwanda Medical Journal Vol.70 No.2

Today we are featuring vol.70 no.2 of Rwanda Medical Journal on the blog. This issue includes a special article on the addition of Rwanda Medical Journal to Bioline International by the Editor-in-Chief, Joseph Mucumbitsi.

This issue also includes a few other articles on open access, including "Open Access, Knowledge sharing and sustainable Scholarly Communication: 'A new core of research development'" by Fidele Byiringiro. This article is a short communication highlighting the importance and increasing growth of open access articles. This issue also includes an article on free and open source software, "Free and Open Source Software (Foss) for Electronic Health Record Management in Developing Countries" by Verbeke et al. The article summarizes the key advantages and disadvantages as well as any challenges that could be faced when using the software in a medical setting.

This issue includes other articles such as "Patterns of Ocular Trauma at the Main Referral Hospital in Rwanda: Kigali University Teaching Hospital" by Semanyenzi & Nsengiyumva. This article details a study conducted at the Kigali University Teaching Hospital to determine the patterns of ocular trauma experienced by 352 patients referred to the Opthamology department. Out of the patients examined, 73% were males and 27% were females. Among the results found, 37% of patients sustained workplace-related injuries, 21% of ocular injuries were sustained in road traffic incidents, and 15% of injuries were sustained by assault. Among the objects found to cause ocular trauma, wood caused 22% of injuries.

For these articles and other articles from this issue, click here.

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