Featured Issue: Ciência Florestal Vol. 22 No. 4

Vol. 22 no. 4 includes "Seedlings Growth of Prunus brasiliensis(Cham. & Schltdl.) D. Dietr. in Sewage Sludgebased Compost and Mineral Fertilizer" by Scheer et al. This article aims to evaluate the growth of the shrub Prunus brasiliensis grown in substrate composed of sewage sludge, ground tree pruning and granulated fertilizer in comparison with Prunus brasiliensis shrubs grown in commercial substrate, commonly used in tree nurseries.
Growth was evaluated based on height of the seedlings and the diametre and dry biomass of leaves and branches.
The results showed that Prunus brasiliensis had higher growth rates when grown in the substrate composed of sewage sludge compared to Prunus brasiliensis grown in commercial substrate.
For the complete article and other articles from this issue, check out Ciência Florestal vol.22 no.4 here: http://www.bioline.org.br/titles?id=cf&year=2012&vol=22&num=04&keys=V22N4
Labels: Ciência Florestal, Featured Issue
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